Saturday 19 June 2010

A new use for Suffolk Weekend Time

I'm distraught at the idea that I can only repeat my daily mantra "the days are getting longer" for a couple more days. June always seems far too early in the "summer" for the run-in to autumn to begin.

I think the days getting shorter would be a lot more bearable if it continued to stay light in the evening - it seems such a waste that it's light at 4-something when I for one don't take advantage of it.

When we first came to Suffolk, we were generally only here at weekends while working in London. Getting up at 6am on a Monday was horrible, so we invented Suffolk Weekend Time (SWT), which involved putting our watches forward on a Friday evening so that the Monday start was at a much more civilised 7am.

It might be a tall order to persuade the powers that be to adopt an additional nationwide hour change in June, so I guess we'll have to go it alone again. SWT - renamed Suffolk Double Summer Spanish Time - will be introduced in our house on a trial basis from June 21st. So even at the end of August the sun won't set 'til 8.49pm, giving a nice long evening in the garden in the sunshine (one can but hope). OK, so it won't rise until 7.11am but that doesn't bother me as I'll only just be stirring to consciousness...

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