Monday 4 October 2010

Great format for printing digital photos

I've always loved taking photos but have been struggling since the onset of digital with which, if any, to print. I tend to get some printed whenever I need a selection to show people, eg at my school reunion last week, with the result that I have a random pile of prints while most photos only ever get viewed on screen. I would like to have a more coherent set of prints to leaf through, but don't want to get swamped.

I'm hoping that a type of print I discovered on Truprint yesterday may be the answer. They're called collage prints, and cost just 9p for a 6x4 one (19p and 99p for bigger sizes). You pick one to 20 of your photos, choose a background colour, specify the gap between pics and decide whether to add a title. It then arranges them

and you can either accept the design or make changes.

I'd love to get into the habit of doing one of these for each month/quarter/year/holiday or whatever. I've tried something similar before, but that involved using a macro in Photoshop and was a bit fiddly and I never got into a routine.

The collage prints aren't completely flexible - pics are rearranged simply by shuffling so it could be frustrating if a star shot resolutely remains small. But for 9p, I'm not going to complain!

My preferred normal photo printing service is the excellent Photobox but I just happened to be using Truprint yesterday as their calendars were half price - we thought that designing the calendars would take us only an hour or so but we ended up faffing round all day!

I won't be swapping to Truprint for normal prints though - theirs are 6"x4" not 6"x4.5" so some of the print gets cropped (and you can't choose where). So I won't be deserting Photobox.

1 comment:

knit nurse said...

I am waiting for Photobox to put their calendars on 2 for 1 - it normally happens about this time of the year and I have to panic and sort through all my pics before the deadline. This year I'm ready and waiting, and of course there's no sign of it yet!