Sunday 29 November 2009

Addicted to buying fabric too...

As well as buying lots of tapestry wool, I've been getting a bit carried away with buying fabric too, to use as backs for cushions or specs case and the like. Trouble is, I didn't really need any - I have this whole laundry basket of material - bought, or salvaged from old clothes etc with the idea of making a quilt one day.

But there are so many lovely patchworking fabrics available that I can't resist buying more...

Stripes and flowers, checks and random, bright and subtle. Most of all, I love Kaffe Fassett's design, Paperweight. I've loved millefiore glass for years - I've got several pendants and other bits, lots of the little pieces of the glass canes and a few paperweights. My favourite is the brooch in the middle of the photo - sadly, now cracked after being dropped on the terracotta kitchen floor. It's not really surprising that this fabric appeals so much to me. (Kaffe Fassett also does a pattern called Millefiore - but I think this one is more millefiore-ey than that. His Roman Glass design looks lovely too - no doubt I'll soon get some of that too.)

So far I've got two of the eight or nine Paperweight colourways and particularly like the one that's the main background to the picture. It's got a great name too - sludge.

I think Kaffe Fassett must like it lots too, as it's the background on the home page of his (very inspirational) website - was pleased to notice it there just after ordering some.

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