Tuesday 24 November 2009

Finished at last

At last...I've finished my first needlepoint cushion cover. Or more precisely, I've finished the needlepoint bit and it will no doubt be months before it becomes an actual cushion cover.

I started it in September and have done a few rows most days - finishing it so quickly is something of a record for me as my previous needlework project took me 22 years to finish (and four more to frame)...more of that anon.

In the course of doing this cushion cover, I've come across various good sites and books and so thought it would be of use to resurrect this abandoned blog to celebrate this milestone and keep track of my discoveries.

It has 110 rows and is on what I think is probably Zweigart Magic Canvas with 14 holes per inch. Each row is a different colour of Anchor Tapisserie wool. I haven't tried to learn any fancy stitches yet - I've treated this as something to get me into the habit of sewing and to see which colours I like - but I want to attempt something more advanced soon.

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