Saturday 28 November 2009

A task completed at last

I began this Dimensions crewel kit (Charming alphabet) when on holiday in Spain in 1983 and finished it just 22 years later...and at last, today, it's framed.

I'm particularly fond of the cat - the one on the kit's packet wasn't nearly as friendly as mine. I seem to recall making a mistake with the line of the neck and having to adapt it to hide the error but it worked out for the best, as I far prefer the cuddlier version that resulted. And I don't think the kit's one was smiling.

It took me a mere four more years, until September this year, to frame it but I didn't particularly like the pale green surround that I had to hand at the time. That has now been remedied a new maroon mount - not quite as reddish as I'd've liked, but near enough ... and so the project has now been finally completed in not much more than a quarter of a century. (I really didn't enjoy doing the framing - cutting brown paper to size to stick on the back was a little too like wrapping presents, a task I'm really bad at.)

I'm feeling on a roll now...several other half-finished (or quarter- or tenth-finished...) decades-old projects awaiting rescue from the cupboard may now be in with a chance of completion.


pixlkitten said...

Found you via KnitNurse. I love the crewelwork! Your kitteh is so very cute. Crewelwork is beyond my skills so I am double impressed!

Leezz said...

Thank you for your kind words! Actually the crewelwork wasn't at all difficult (though my version isn't nearly as neat as the one on the packet's photo!) as the instructions in the kit were very good.

Ann Crowe said...

Hi there,
I have just found you finished product. my late mother-in-law sent the Charming alphabet to me in South Africa when our daughter was born in 1980. I have now found it againand am wanting to finish it for my newly born grand-daughter. Unfortunately I have the colour picture and detailed instructions for each letter which refer to a chart. I dont have the chart. Do you perhaps have one that I could get a copy of? I wpould be so very grateful if you do. My email address is Many thanks, Ann