Wednesday 25 November 2009

Using up bits of tapestry wool

I had every intention of the colours in the cushion being in a random order but found myself always wanting to pick the next batch to add some interest to a repetitive task. The result is groups of about 5-10 colours, chosen on various whims - the colours of my favourite duvet cover, a muted rainbow, a splash of garish colours after a beigey patch etc.

The other thing that made the project more interesting to do - and something I'd highly recommend - is having some little bits of canvas available to use up the leftover inches of wool.

This resulted in three little patches that will become specs cases.

Purples and mossy greens went into the boxes one...

bright colours to the stripes...

...and everything else was used for the one I've dubbed barcodes.

1 comment:

knit nurse said...

Love the barcodes, they are so colourful!